This is a song that I wrote for the third movie of Narnia:The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader! Enjoy it!
A brand new start
Walking through the secret paths of life,
I've tried to learn,
what's wrong and right.
Listening the whispers of the air
I'm wiser now
than any other day.
Dancing with the fairies
of the sacred woods of mind,
I just thought that,
the sun's so bright.
And it's all because
It's all because
It's because I live and breathe
and run and laugh.
And everything's ok
cause I know
I'm the one
to make a brand new start.
Take my hand.
Hold me tight
Cause we both know
life is nothing more
Nothing more.
Than an endless adventure.
Dazzled by the brightness of your smile.
Enchaunted by the colourful symphony
of clouds in the sky.
I know we should keep moving on
whatever it takes.
And this is all because...
This is all because...
It's because we live and breathe
and run and laugh.
And everything's ok
cause we know
we're the ones
to make a brand new start.
Take my hand
hold me tight
Cause we both know
Life is nothing more
Nothing more
Than an endless adventure.
Diving in the ebony veil of night.
Searching for what's hidden deep inside me.
I now know why
we are alive.
And it's all because...
It's all because...
It's because we live and breathe....
And so...
What are we waiting for?
Life's a miracle
and we've got to carry on.
And see it's never too late.
Never too late!
For a brend new start
to be made!